At World Mobile Congress, Lenovo showcased the Vibe K5 twins – the K5 and K5 Plus. While the later has been launched in India this April at Rs 8,499, the company is reported to launch the Vibe K5 this month. It would replace the hugely popular A6000, a phone that gave Lenovo a big footprint in the highly competitive Indian market. Both the K5 looks identical. Both have a contemporary look and clad in metal. The differences lies in the display resolution and processor. While both the phones have a 5-inch IPS display, the K5 opts for a 720p resolution , while the K5 Plus boasted a fullHD resolution. On the chipset side, the Vibe K5 features a Snapdragon 415 SoC while the K5 Plus ships with a 616 processor. The rest of the specs remains the same with a 2GB RAM, 16GB of internal storage which can be expanded via microSD card. The camera set up again is identical with a 13MP at the rear and a 5MP shooter for selfies. The Vibe K5 also features a 2,750mAh battery. To cater to the audio enthusiasts, the Vibe K5 features the Dolby ATMOS technology and comes with dual speakers at the back and promises good audio fidelity. On the software side, it runs on Android 5.1 The K5 Plus was launched at Rs 8,499 and the A6000 was launched last year at Rs 6,999. While the pricing of the K5 is not known, I feel it would be around Rs 6,000. We will keep you updated. Please note: In addition to our technology YouTube channel in English, TechRaman TV , recently we have also launched a channel in Tamil language, TechTamizha. If you understand the regional language, check the coverage news over there.]]>