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MyPedia education programme from Pearson wants to change the way teaching is delivered

Mypedia_tools This is how MyPedia aims to help each stakeholders. For Students, it offers comprehensive and integrated learning solution for grades 1-5 and is compatible with CBSE and state board syllabus. The solution offers course book, workbook, videos and assessments in tandem with the syllabus. There is also a HomeApp, that can take the classes to the home. Available on Android platform, students can work on the assessment, course materials and also watch educational video contents pertaining to their syllabus. The education programme weaves across various subjects , for example, students might learn maths even when learning English for a wholistic approach. It helps students understand different learning layers, where each layer comprises the skills and concepts that a student needs to learn in a particular grade. These solid layers of concepts built over time helps students to break away from compartmentalization of subjects. For parents, they can access digital resources, reports on daily assesment and monitor the school progress of their children. For teachers, it enables them to analyze the students progress systematically and keep a clean look at the home assessments and progress. MyPedia’ s assessment architecture goes deep to cull out learning gaps, even at a sub-topic level, which in traditional methods often go unnoticed. This in turn equips educators to provide quick and individual-level remedial interventions, resulting in enhanced conceptual clarity and improvement in overall performance of the children. Pearson is in the process of collaborating with schools across India to offer their integrated solution. Would be interesting to see how it would pace up with the demanding education needs of various stakeholders.  ]]>

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