For starters, Cheetah Mobile’s CM Locker is a popular lock screen app for Android Smartphones that has some cool customization options and nifty features like battery and phone booster. The app has got a new update that adds extra layers of security measures in case of the phone theft. The update brings a GPS tracker to help track down the stolen Smartphone. With this feature enabled, when the intruder attempts to access CM Locker protected phone, the device automatically sends an email of the phone location. This new feature along with the existent Selfie function could be a big boon in tracking the stolen phone as well as ward off potential intruders from accessing the phone. The Selfie feature which was updated in the app this September, automatically sends selfie of intruder after three failed attempts of accessing CM Locker protected phones. This measures could ward off pesky people whom you might know from getting óver enthusiastic’ to pry upon others phone contents. Apart from addressing the security concerns, the CM Locker also has other smart features like battery booster that automatically shuts down battery draining apps running in the background, phone booster for a one click optimization of the phone and other cool stuffs like wallpapers, themes for customization, weather forecast function and also has support for fingerprint. CM Locker can be downloaded here. ]]>