Multi window:
One of the main features now baked into Galaxy S3 after the Android 4.1.2 update is the ability to multitask by opening two apps at same time on your screen. For eg. you can browse or message while you watch a movie. How do you enable the multi-window? Simple You long-press the back-key and a vertical pane will appear on the right side of the screen. From there, you can drag the apps to the home screen and open multi-windows and keep yourselves busy on the screen. P.S. . Make sure, the multi-window option on the notification panel is turned on. You also find that option on the display setting.

Page buddy
This feature is based on the contextual awareness. For e.g, when you plug-in the earphone, your device would automatically open up the music player page for easy access. Currently, the page buddy contextual awareness works for earphones, docking page and roaming page. To enable go to Settings > Display > page buddy
Gallery App gets updated
Goodbye to the boring gallery view option. After the update you get few additional cool option to browse your gallery.
Customized notification panel
This is yet another option I really like. Now, the notification panel on the top can be customized. You can rearrange the icons, remove the unwanted icons and keep it less crowded. Well, you can fiddle / play with the notification panel now. To customize go to Settings > Display > Notification panelLock screen Information sticker
This feature should bring smiles to the Facebook addicts and stock market bulls out there. By enabling this feature, you can access your facebook updates, news or stock as a ticker on your lock screen. So without having to unlock the screen, you can keep a tab on the happenings. Cool isn’t it? To enable go to Settings > Lock screen options > Information ticker
Contextual tagging
With contextual tagging on, you can add the weather info, date and place instantly to the picture. So when you open the pictures anytime, you know along with the date, the place and the weather status at that time. To enable contextual tagging go to Camera > Settings > Contextual filename
Camera App updates
Camera app gets new updates that was seen in Note 2.- Best face – This feature allows the camera to take five consecutive pictures, so that if anybody in the group photo session blinks, there will be five frames to choose the perfect camera shot. So no more complaints from your friend who blinked or winked. Refer the video that demonstrates best face feature in Galaxy Note 2.
- Low light shot – Thanks to new updates, expect better results in low light even with flash off.
- Easy snap – With this update your Galaxy S3 can ‘talk back’ to you and say how many faces are seen in the camera preview by ‘face detection’ feature.
Smart rotation
This might save the unnecessary auto-rotation during some of the awkward or gymnastic body movements! Trust me, we do come across certain times when we don’t want the screen to rotate. Now with smart rotation, the screen display adjusts to your angle of sightings. Again to enable go to Settings > Display > Smart rotation
Invaluable pilot help through the new features. Thanx a lot from Sweden.
I updated my s2 with jelly bean.
When jelly bean can be updated for samsung galaxy s2…. I am waiting…………………….
Can anyone say how much does it costs ??
awesome.. if only ull could give importance to the other phones as well..
This is like getting upate only jelly bean ..but when will ginger bread will get a update and new function to use ….basically its more than three year while 2.2 os launched but there is no process to it…
actually the versions of android are like this:
So, after releasing the final update of Froyo, new version (Gingerbread) was released and work on Froyo stopped. You cannot get new features in Froyo now. You can get newer features only if your phone could be upgraded to a newer version like Gingerbread or Jelly Bean. Now the version being worked upon is:
Jelly Bean:
superb phone
superb phone
awesome…all apps mostly multy window and gallery updation…
world’s actual smart phone
After the new updation, my S3 battery is not getting charged. It takes almost 15 hours for the battery to fully charged. Can any one suggest a solution..
how can i update this software in my S3 phn…
When is update available for galaxy s advance
i want to update my note 7000(note 01) so till wht time it will be out or from whr can i update
Note 7000 rollout has began in phases since February, so it can it should be available shortly for your device.
i want to update my note 7000(note 01) so till wht time it will be out or from whr can i update****
Tab 2 is upgradeable to Jelly Bean, but it may not include Premium Suite features. Give it a try.
when will it comes on Samsung galaxy s3 sgh-i747m