iSuppli’s latest report, as the year end, Samsung basking on its phenomenal success of its wide range of Galaxy devices corners a market share of 29% and hence toppling Nokia and with Apple in third.
Here is the data that explains all.
With the world shifting to Android and with iOS commanding a loyal fan following combined with the dwindling share of Symbion OS, Nokia is struggling hard to hold its crumbling fort. It’s overall market share dropped by 6% to 24%. If it still manages the second position its due to the not-so-smartphone or say feature phones. Next year, the erosion might continue further, as more and more people opt for smartphones and the smartphones gets more affordable. Unless, it manages to work a miracle turnaround of its fortune with Windows 8 phones.
Apple with a market share of 10%, a 3 percent rise from the previous year is at third place. It must be noted unlike Samsung and Nokia, Apple only makes Smartphones and this explains its position behind Nokia in the overall cellphone market share table.
If only smarphones are considered, the runner-ups changes with Samsung still enjoying the number one position but Apple overtakes Nokia comfortably. For the top smartphone brand, Samsung widened its lead by cornering 28%, an increase in 8% where as Apple comes second with a 20% market share while Nokia suffers the biggest fall – a 11% corrosion to its market share to end up with a paltry 5%
Not withstanding its impressive HTC One series, HTC saw its share of the smartphone dwindling from 9% last year to 5% this year to give company to RIM whose market eroded from 11% to 5% year to year.]]>