Back in February, Lenovo launched the Vibe Z K910, their flagship device in Indian market and it ran on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean out-of-the-box. Since then the Chinese company has been releasing minor updates but the users were awaiting the big release – the Android KitKat, the current flavour of Android OS.
The good news is the company has started rolling out the Kitkat update …
Lenovo Vibe Z Review
February 27, 2014
Lenovo got into smartphone business just two years back but the company has made huge strides in this short duration. They boast huge numbers, infact they went from 0.1 percent market share to 13.1 percent in 24 months in China. With Motorola now in their kitty, Lenovo is on…
Lenovo Yoga Tab to launch in India tomorrow, pre-order starts
November 14, 2013
th November till the midnight of 17th November. The privilege coupon also offers a pre-order bundle offer worth Rs. 5,499.
About Lenovo Yoga Tab
Available in 8-inch and 10-inch variant, both the tablets have a display resolution of 1280×800 pixel and comes encased…
Lenovo K900 Hands on review
June 8, 2013
For some reasons I could not carry my usual photo gears and the poor lighting at the demo room did not help either for the images. We soon hope to get the review devices and I assure you great pictures then when I do the proper review. This post is only the first impression…
WMC 2013: Lenovo Parades three tablets, the 7-inch A1000 and A3000, and the 10-inch S6000
February 25, 2013
The new Lenovo tablets are the 7-inch A1000 and A3000 and then there is the 10-inch S6000. The devices best falls under the budget or mid-category segment.
The A1000 tablet has a 7-inch display and powered by a 1.2GHz dual-core processor and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS. Targetted at music buffs, the tablet comes with a Dolby Digital Plus audio with a large front speakers. It has an internal storage…