If there is a crystal ball to foresee the future of technology, it would point to an exciting world converging at ‘Internet of Things’ – almost every device to be made in future would be build with a capability to communicate with another device – collect, collate and send information for a better world.
Internet of Things is poised to make every interactions of our devices smart – from personal devices to smart homes to smart cities, the highway of connected devices and information runway is expected to get bigger and phenomenal. IoT is revolutionizing manufacturing, supply chains, hospitality to medical technologies and eventually making personal life smarter at individual levels.

While the devices gets smarter and there are information overload, we arrive at a time where there is too much of information to process and a need for smarter platform to navigate and work through the data for better identification, analysis and processing them. IoT software platforms help simplify deploying, managing, operating, and capturing insights from IoT- enabled connected devices. That is where IBM Watson comes in. In our earlier article we briefed about ‘IBM Watson Conversation – Unlocking gold mine of unstructured Information” and let’s see specifically how IBM Watson can enable Internet of Things.
The recently published Forrester Wave: IoT Software Platforms assess how IBM Watson is poised to be a leader of the new age platform.
According the report, the advantage IBM Watson IoT platform has is its ability and flexibility to serve a broad range of advance use case. IBM has been doubling down on IoT with billion dollars of investment to create a new IoT business unit from 2015. With a setup that includes more than 1000 researchers, developers, and designers dedicated specifically to developing Watson IoT platform. The Watson program has spanned and embraced new capabilities including the Augumented Reality, an area which is seeing tremendous traction in recent days, cognitive capabilities, blockchain, edge analytics, analytics tooling and natural language processing, to name a few.
In our series of articles in the coming days on Watson IoT we will dig into some of the practical aspects of the platform and how it can reshape healthcare business trends, ease the state of agriculture especially in agrarian society like India, predictive maintenance and analytic models and algorithms via connectivity of critical equipments reducing maintenance time and cost saving in manufucaturing units and many more areas.
In a nutshell, Watson Platform can help developers avoid data fatigue and work on the enormous data that various sensors throw in and harness the sea of data to come up with innovative ideas and smart solutions.]]>