Mapathon 2013. Google India’s initiative to crowdsource Indian map data. Beginning on February 12 and ending on March 25, 2013, Google invites locals to map their neighborhood, towns and cities be it the local grocery store or your favorite saloon or your kids school or Raju’s chai shop you frequent for tea break, just map it.
The top 1000 mappers in India stands a chance to win Google goodies. Samsung Galaxies anyone?
Excited? Google makes it easy to map the data through its Google Map Maker tool. Open the map, scout for your area, mark the new informations and with few simple clicks you can submit your data. Once the submitted data is verified and approved, the new information will be on map. Bingo!
If you are interested and eyeing on any of the smartphones or tablets or you are a noble soul who just wants to help Google and in turn the Google map users not to get lost in your locality, registrations for Mapathon 2013 is open and head over HERE